Do you want to be a part of something? Do you want a group of people you can rely on? Do you want to make your résumé pop? Do you want help applying for scholarships? Do you want to create long-lasting relationships with fellow students and faculty? DO YOU WANT STORE DISCOUNTS? Do you want endless networking opportunities?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, you should join us! We hold child-friendly meetings at each campus, offer opportunities for community service, and have seminars with practicing nurses, and family-friendly events throughout the year!
$40 for 1 year, $75 for 2 years
(payments can be made by clicking the NSNA link above)
*** members of NSNA automatically are members of OhSNA and Tri-C SNA with Tri-C nursing student status ***
Cuyahoga Community College's Student Nurse Association • 2900 Community College Avenue • Cleveland, OH 44115 • tricstudentnursing@gmail.com
Cuyahoga Community College's Student Nurse Association is an official constituency of the National Student Nurses Association, Inc.®