Hello New Faces!!
New Student Orientations start tomorrow, and that is really the most exciting time of the year! Fresh faces of students full of hope, with no clue what's about to happen to their lives! Ha! That's why we're here! Those first two semesters are brutal, and everyone needs a hand to guide them.
We are starting a peer mentor program in the fall for first semester students! The final touches are being made and we cannot wait to watch it grow.
So many service learning opportunities are in the works. Out in the community with those who really need help- that's the way of the Tri-C nurse!
This year, we hope to implement a program called Learning Lunches, during which a practicing nurse comes and talks to us about what she does, and answers all our questions!
Don't forget to like us on facebook, as that is where you'll connect with fellow students and find the most up to date info on everything SNA!